
CEIA USA's mission is to sell, distribute and service the world's most advanced technology in electromagnetic fields manufactured by CEIA and CEIA USA to public (federal, state and local governments) and private sector customers in North America.

CEIA USA strives to educate our current and potential customers on the proper deployment of electromagnetic inspection devices and induction heating systems with the aim of achieving the best operational response.

CEIA USA will continue to increase its operational base of customers through education and events with continuous improvement in the technology offered.

Company Presentation
CEIA USA ISO 9001 Certification


Exposiciones y Eventos

Detectores para la SEGURIDAD

The preference given to CEIA Metal Detectors by top public and private bodies confirms its position as the market leader in security.

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Sistemas de Calentamiento de INDUCCIÓN

CEIA's unique technological solutions allow the manufacturing of power equipment with compact size, extremely high-energy efficiency and long-term reliability.

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Detectores BAJO TIERRA

Gracias a muchos años de investigaciones exhaustivas en el campo de la detección subterránea de metales, CEIA se estableció como fabricante internacional líder de detectores de minas enterradas de alto rendimiento, capaces de proporcionar una contribución tecnológica verdadera a nivel militar y humanitario en las operaciones de levantamiento de minas.

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Detección de todos los dispositivos con piezas magnetizadas (teléfonos móviles, transmisores - receptores de radio, receptores, llaves con mando a distancia) ocultos en la persona o en cavidades corporales, con o sin baterías

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